Saturday, June 6, 2009

More fools expectation ..

Out of approximately 300K applicant paid thousands of dollar as security deposit and willing to buy a piece of land for one’s own place which he/she will call home, not even 10% will get the product. You guessed right, yes, I am talking about RAJUK plots.

The vast majority of the pursuant, more then 90%, will be rejected. Although they have the money and will; although they are ready to invest in the housing industry, they will have no opportunity to do so. In the mean time RAJUK will have thousands of corers Taka of the applicants’ money in RAJUK’s bank.

This money will accrue interest; however applicant will not get a penny of those. I hope RAJUK will not take years to announce the winners and returns the deposits of the unlucky ones; however, I have a proposal of being agile, nimble and execute on scale. This part of my dream big.

While customers are waiting, can we be agile and multiply the scale of the project to ten fold. Can we build a modern model city? I know the real estate in Dubai in the decline and in USA it is hitting nowhere but bottom.
But in nowhere there are so many customers eager to buy.

Hence can we deliver a piece of RAJUK plot to all the applicants? Let’s act quickly and make it happen. We are the same breed of people who architected SEARS Tower, versioned the impossible, when others are doubtful.

People are waiting with money in their hands, funding is no issue here. What you say Buetians? Can Buet engineers architect, design, build such a city in Dhaka to meet customer demand and solve some housing need of the nation?

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